utilities campaign
350 Network Council: Take Back Our Power
Fossil fuel utilities are blocking the transition to clean renewable energy and profiting off of the American people, one in ten of whom cannot pay their energy bills. Despite the clear evidence that investor owned utilities are intertwined with the fossil fuel industry, utilities continue to enjoy broad public acceptance and political power. The 350 Network Council members have been fighting the fossil fuel utility industry for a decade. Now we are joining forces to build a powerful national movement to take our power back.
Campaign Demands:
Affordable energy for all
The transition to renewable energy
Health and Safety for consumers
Energy Democracy
350 Network Council and People’s Action Institute
Utility Justice Week of Action:
From August 10th to August 18th, 2024 regional and statewide affiliate organizations of the 350 Network Council and People’s Action Institute organized 30 coordinated actions in 18 states. Together we called for clean, affordable, reliable energy for everyone!
Check out our 30 press hits here including op eds, local and national media.
The actions were endorsed by two dozen partners, notably including organizations with close ties to organized labor such as the Green Workers Alliance and Labor Network for Sustainability and the nation's largest networks of BIPOC led community organizing groups including People’s Action and Center for Popular Democracy.
Why did we do this?
Fossil fuel utilities are blocking the transition to clean renewable energy and ruthlessly profiting off of the American people, 27% of whom cannot pay their energy bills. Monopoly utility companies hike rates while spending money on energy sources that are unreliable, expensive, and burning up the planet. By fighting against these for-profit utilities, we can make way for an energy system where decisions are made in the best interests of people and our planet, rather than the fossil fuel industry.

San Diego 350

350 Brooklyn

350 NH

350 Vermont