Community leaders began to independently organize local campaigns for climate justice under the 350 banner starting in 2009. Members of the general public including students, activists, farmers, teachers, and grandparents launched 350 affiliate groups all over the country to give their communities a way to participate in the growing global movement for climate justice. The powerful network of 350 affiliates that grew out of this effort are legally and financially independent from 350.org.
Over the years, many of our organizations fundraised and hired staff, and the largest independent 350 affiliates now manage annual budgets over $1 million dollars. We launched the 350 Network Council in 2018 in order to bring together the strongest 350 affiliates to facilitate peer learning, create collective strategies, and coordinate with the national staff at 350.org. Since 2018, the 350 Network Council has hired a national coordinator, added new member organizations, and embarked on several shared campaigns. Our members are united by shared theory of change rooted in grassroots organizing and a fundamental commitment to climate justice and ending the era of fossil fuels.
Our Vision
Community leaders began to independently organize local campaigns for climate justice under the 350 banner starting in 2009. Members of the general public including students, activists, farmers, teachers, and grandparents launched 350 affiliate groups all over the country to give their communities a way to participate in the growing global movement for climate justice. The powerful network of 350 affiliates that grew out of this effort are legally and financially independent from 350.org.
Shared Values
• We organize for climate justice. The Climate justice framework makes the root causes of the climate crisis clear. – namely white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy – and offers solutions that seek to disrupt and rebuild from the root cause.
• We understand that radical partnership with other movements for justice is integral to climate/ environmental organizing. Ex: housing rights, racial justice, reproductive justice, migration justice, movements against militarism and imperialism, etc.
• We recognize and act to challenge the history of the climate/environmental movement and its involvement in white supremacy and land dispossession.
• We center the voices of those who have the most to gain from climate justice and give space for people to speak and advocate for themselves. We value a diversity of knowledge and experience.
• We build a powerful and active base of the general public to win systemic change and political action.
• We run people powered campaigns to stop extraction and harm and advance a just transition.
• We use a variety of tactics including direct action, public education, grassroots advocacy, electoral organizing, and coalition building.
• We strive to grow a base that is representative of our communities: multigenerational, multiracial, and multicultural.
• We are place based organizations.
• We value grassroots organizing as an opportunity to give people a chance to understand their collective power.
• We believe in providing diverse ways for people to take action in impactful and meaningful ways, regardless of personal limitations on time, money, etc.
• Community members know their issues and solutions best. We depend on fellow grassroots groups to help guide our work.
• We are intentionally anticompetitive. We share content, ideas, connections and opportunities generously.
• We make democratic decisions about how to allocate shared resources.
• We follow the no fossil fuel money pledge, not all money is good money.
• The 350NC makes democratic decisions using modified consensus.
• We show up for other movements, coalitions and partners’ calls to action with transparency, a desire to learn about the current action and its history, so we are ready to step up or step back when asked.
• We seek to understand the local, regional, national and global contexts that a solidarity request exists within, understanding that impacted partners are not a monolith, that we are part of many different and complex coalition spaces, and that it is valuable to seek greater understanding of many partner positions on an issue.
• We believe in solidarity over extractive relationships.
• We believe that coalition building is essential to making change.
• We understand that building trust and lasting relationships take time, and are committed to the long haul.
• We create spaces for community members of all backgrounds, identities, and experience levels to learn, share, and grow as organizers.
• We guide members along the path to empowerment and action with trainings, workshops, support, mentorship, and resources.
• We know that there is tremendous wisdom in our bases, and still we all have so much to learn as a movement.
• We know we will make mistakes along the way. We take responsibility and embrace the opportunity to learn from it.
• We strive to be creative, experimental and flexible across our work.
• We prioritize political education to increase our base’s understanding and alignment with intersectional movements for justice.
• We strive to set & respect boundaries (physical, communication, etc) as they are critical to working together.
• We seek to build conflict and feedback systems.
• We acknowledge that this work requires so much from us; we value rest and personal time.
• We acknowledge that we each bring different identities to this space and we seek to dismantle oppression when it shows up.